Tools for Life Fair
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Leading with confidence, living with purpose
My Tools for Life is for youth with disabilities thinking about life after high school and all who support them. Attendees include educators, special educators, therapists, counselors, service providers, job developers, other rehabilitation specialists, and especially high school students with disabilities and their families.
Each year, the Fair is held in a different city in Idaho. This helps to make it more accessible to students and families across the state. The Fair travels between North Idaho, Boise and southeast Idaho.
Check out our Tools for Life video playlist to learn more about the different things you can expect to learn and do at Tools for Life.
My Tools for Life 2025 will be in Moscow on March 17-18.
We hope to see you there!
Registration is closed. You can click through for more information about this year's conference including details about the event center, hotel, transportation and more.
The event is presented as a typical professional conference with national keynote speakers and breakout sessions. Throughout the two-day event, the keynote speakers, presentations and breakout sessions focus on:
- Youth engagement and leadership
- Student lead planning
- Self-advocacy/self-direction
- Employment
- Postsecondary training and education
- Independent living
- Assistive technology.
Breakout sessions will be geared towards transitioning youth. Participants are encouraged to attend the sessions of their choice.
An exhibit hall will be open throughout the Fair from 9 am to 4 pm to allow agencies and vendors to promote their organizations, share resources and showcase their products. All youth attendung the Fair are invited to attend a social event on Monday beginning at 5:15 pm. The event will be held at the hotel and will include pizza, live music, dancing and more!