How Assistive Technology Impacted Idaho in 2018-2019 Finding Assistive Technology Training and Technical Assistance Training and Technical Assistance 2,683 Recipients Idaho Digital Accessibility Consortium Idaho Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Idaho Occupational Therapy Association Community Health Workers Collaborative BSU Success Through Access Conference Administration on Community Living Respite Care Programs Family Caregiver Conference Cracking the AAC Code Department of Juvenile Corrections School Based Services 75 A.T. Consultations for Schools in 57 Schools Statewide 501 Device Loans to Schools 326 Tools for Life Secondary Transition & Technology Fair Attendees 82 Augmentative Communication Summer Camp Attendees 11 UI Vandal Camp Attendees Public Awareness Public Awareness 1,158 Information and Referral Calls 5,223 Attendees at Senior Health Fairs / Outreach Events 12,762 IATP Website Contacts 166,414 Social Media and Electronic Contacts Trying Assistive Technology Device Loans 1,252 Devices Loaned $621,600 Savings on equipment tentals and wasted expenditures. Prevents wasted expenditures on "incorrect" purchases Temporary loans during device repair reduces lost productivity Device Demos AT Resource Centers 4 Assistive technology demonstration and loan libraries in Idaho 94 Device demonstrations = Informed decision making Getting Assistive Technology Alternate Financing Low-Interest Financing Program Statewide low-interest financing program for assistive technology. 29 Loans totaling $138,921 28% Loans to individuals who couldn't qualify for commercial loans. Low-Interest Loans 4% Mobility, Seating, andPositioning 10% VehicleModifications 86% HearingAids Idaho Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program This statewide program provides equipment needed to make telecommunications, advanced communications, and the Internet accessible to low-income individuals who have both significant vision loss and significant hearing loss. 17 Deaf Blind Participants 23 Devices Distributed 362 Hours of Installation, Training, Technical Support, and Outreach Device Reuse Idaho AT4ALL This statewide website supports reuse of assistive technology that is no longer needed or used by its original owner. 943 Items were redistributed saving Idahoans $320,192 64% Assistive devices only available through Idaho AT Project Computers for Kids Collaboration 60 Students on IEPs received Internet ready refurbished computers 8 School Districts Return on Investment Savings to Idahoans $621,600 Assistive TechnologyLending Libraries $320,192 EquipmentReuse $17,263 Loan Interest Savings $17,424 Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution $57,300 Computers for Kids TOTAL SAVINGS$1,033,779 2018-2019 Achievements 1,158 I & R Contacts 38 Trainings 25 Technical Assistance 88 A.T. Consultations 94 A.T. Demonstrations 1,252 Devices Loaned 943 Devices Redistributed 29 Low Interest Loans