Building a Partnership with Your Money Building a partnership with your money is an important aspect of financial stability. Every day you may spend money without noticing how much you spend, what you spend it on, or when you spend it. Because of this, you may not realize the impact your day-to-day spending decisions can make on your future financial well-being. In this series you will learn about your spending decisions, your money personality, what things you value the most, and how to set a SMART goal. Money Partnership Modules Part 1: Building a Partnership with Your MoneyVideo Part 1: Building a Partnership with Your Money Transcript Part 2: Building a Partnership with Your MoneyVideo Part 2: Building a Partnership with Your Money Transcript Money Partnership Resources 1.1 How Do You Like to Spend Your Money?PDF 1.2 What is My Money Personality?PDF 2.1 My SMART GoalPDF 2.2 My Money ContractPDF Assistive Finance Program Resources National and Idaho resources for financing assistance technology and assistive technology vendors. Financial Literacy Workbook The Financial Literacy Workbook PDF is a guide to money management for people with disabilities. The Idaho Assistive Technology Project would like to acknowledge and thank the UI Extension staff Karen Richel, Lyle Hanson, and Luke Erickson for providing their content expertise for this project. More resources can be found on the UI Extension Personal Finance website.